Giovanni Lista

"Ligeia, dossiers sur l’art : art review founded in Paris by Giovanni Lista, in April 1988, on a critical basis of post-modernism. Its title, after the name of the mermaid praised by Lycophron in the third century B.C., means "the one who has a clear voice" in Greek. Apart from fashion and commercial demands ruling artistic life, it intends to revalorize the parts of the critic and of the art historian by acting in two ways : on the one hand, promoting an elaborate study of modern and contemporary art, on the other hand, reviving historical study as an essential category in critical approach for the artistic field". E. B.
("Dictionnary of modern and contemporary art", edited by Gerard Durozoi, Editions Hazan, Paris, 1992, p. 375).

“Its watchwords could be : Distance and Serenity. A classical-modern layout, intentionally plain, neither underground nor glamourous, contents that have nothing to do with galleries since its approach is thematic. A first section called “News and Discussions” introduces the main issues of the topic, always handled by a competent expert who sets up the collaborations. You might think it would be rather austere, but actually it is handsome, fascinating and relaxing. Here is a true review that is not a magazine and that continues, against all the odds, to plead for the ethical responsability of the artist and the moral rigour of the critic”.
(Valérie Bougault, in “L’Œil”, August 2002, Paris)

"The review Ligeia is celebrating its twenty-five years of existence. The longevity of this illustrated historical andanalytical review of some three hundred pages, is in itself a small miracle... This is an exploratory practice and, as a matter of fact, teaching, between history and contemporaneity".
(Ann Hindry, Ligeia: 25 years of thinking, in "Art Daily News", No. 399, 14 June 2013, Paris)

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Giovanni Lista

Ligeia Review

Ligeia Editions
Mail and subscriptions:
Giovanni LISTA

40, bld du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris (France)

Sales and distribution to bookstores:
21ter, rue Voltaire, 75011 Paris
Tél : 01 40 24 21 31